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Physics of Grander Water Suggest Natural Law: Good Guys Win

November 30, 2009

I’m a thread-following, connection-seeking, tapestry-weaving generalist, a White Rhythmic World-Bridger.  (Its good to know where you’re coming from.)  I didn’t become interested in water and the Grander Technology simply by reading a brochure.  I became interested because there was an unfilled niche in my ever-evolving constellation of knowledge and awareness, and the Grander Technology fit right into it.  Phwack!  It fell into place like that once every ten games of Tetris when the right shape comes along and you clear four rows of angst in one push of a button.

What’s driving all this is the following. We have a huge, gaping, massive, capital-Q question to answer regarding the Grander Technology and it goes like this:

Even if I accept the fact that the water contained inside of each Grander Technology device is really good, and able to influence other water nearby, how is it that it can have a positive influence on them for so long?  Shouldn’t it run down, or run out, or…  And, if water truly influences other water, why doesn’t the “bad water” change the “good water”?

(If you’re not familiar with the Grander Technology, or what I’m talking about here, it works like this.)

The tapestry I’ve woven around this topic looks something like this (below), but first let me point out that the technology has provided numerous benefits in a broad range of applications, so we’re not trying to figure out IF there is an effect here, we’re trying to explain the very interesting observations that have been made.  This is an important difference, and gives us permission to search for clues…  So…

  • It is clear in Nature that energy follows downhill gradients.  Water flows downhill, and in pipes from high pressure to low.  Electric current flows from high voltage to low voltage.  And radiant energy flows from the higher frequency system to the lower.
  • Johann Grander has said from Day One he was working with ultra-high frequencies of vibration.  He also said these were already existing in Nature.  He didn’t invent them- he merely found them and found ways to work with them using natural materials and simple methods.

The above explains the direction of flow, from the high frequency Information Water to other waters, but not how it could occur for so long.  It also suggests another question: what type of frequencies are we talking about?  Clearly it doesn’t quite fit into the conventional EM box.  Back to work…

  • To the first issue, the idea Grander has offered is that the Information Water is an attractor.  It receives energy from the cosmos, transforms it, and releases it.  Interestingly, although this is not necessarily what Vernadsky may have had in mind, this is essentially his original definition of the biosphere.  In Johann Grander’s own words:

“Every human and living being is- like every mineral- in connection, i.e. in vibration, with the cosmos, each with his own planet, from which he constantly attracts power, transforms it, and releases the surplus.”

  • Johann Grander is not the first to think this way.  Rudolph Steiner, for instance, espoused a similar view with respect to connections between the Earth and the cosmos and planets in the development of biodynamic farming.  Jo Hedesan writing on this subject notes, “[Steiner] believed that life-giving energies originate from the universe, channeled by the planets into the earth and its beings.”

So, the energy comes from the cosmos, or the environment essentially, and what we need now is a high frequency source.  Here is a small tapestry around this one…

  • The interesting work of physicist Milo Wolff suggests space is filled with waves of a different nature than the conventional electromagnetic ones.  His theory provides a really interesting view of fundamental particles as resonating wave fields.
  • There is the idea from the Institute for Space Quantum Research that the cosmos is supplied with energy from stellar explosions.  They have written, “Gravitation is not an attraction of mass, but the effect of ultra high frequency, mechanical pressure- or shock waves in space quanta medium or in interstellar/intergalactic medium.  They are ultra high-frequency mechanical sound waves from all directions of the universe, which penetrate and provide and charge everything with mechanical energy… all atomic structures (animate and inanimate) are continuously being supplied and charged with this newly-discovered mechanical energy.”
  • Lastly, a quote from 19th century inventor John Keely, who did enough to keep his name in the vernacular to this day.  “Gravitational forces are vibratory forces and might be defined as the centralization of vibratory forces ready to change into power by non-activity.”

You may not view all these people as credible sources.  I’m not sure it matters, frankly, as credibility is a matter of collective opinion and changing over time.  But the “credible” ones can’t really explain what’s happening either.  Nevermind water!  They’re working hard, but there are a few things we still can’t explain well- things like gravity, light, or the charge of an electron.  String theory is well into double-digits for dimensions of the Universe, and still churning brain-hours like it was Day Two of the Manhattan Project.

But let’s head for the wrap-up.  The water sealed inside every Grander Technology product, the Information Water, possesses a structure that strongly resonates with forms of ultra-high frequency vibration present throughout our environment.  This allows the water to receive a continuous inflow of energy, and it is this which ensures it does not wind down or decay quickly.  The reason the flow of information moves from the Information Water to other waters is that the Information Water is sustained at a very high frequency through the connection just described, and energy and matter always flow in Nature from high to low.


There’s an easier way though people.  It looks like this: the Good Guys Win.  Nature works.  Life is good.  Good things can indeed flow into being unceasingly.  Its hard to accept, I know, since we’re all running around with the subconscious fear that something is terribly wrong, like once long ago beyond the fog of memory maybe we pushed the wrong button, or ate the wrong apple, and now we’re doomed.  In such a world, it is indeed hard to give profoundly interesting, Nature-integrated technologies like Grander a fair shake.  Something profoundly good, working away, so easily?  They don’t make a lick of sense in such a world.  But there’s this other world that’s also quite nice, and in that world the Good Guys Win.  Good things happen spontaneously.  Its one of the Natural Laws.  Of course good water assists damaged waters in recovering their optimal inner structure.  How else would it be?  Amazing things happen every day.  The admission fee is nothing but a polite mixture of curiosity, gratitude, and open-mindedness.

© 2009, Michael Mark

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